Discover How A Family That Makes Too Much Money To
Qualify For Financial Aid Was Able To Pay For College And…
“Get A $198,714 Tax-Free College Refund Through An IRS Legal Loophole”
In This 16-Minute Video:
- You’ll Discover…
- How parents who will spend $100,000 (or more) out-of-pocket for college can get their money back Tax-free.
- Why you should stop funding your 529 plan and use this plan instead.
- How the wealthiest people in our society have been using this plan for decades and why it works so well for college planning.
Meet The Parent & Presenter:
It caused my wife and I a lot of stress when we realized our family made too much money to qualify for financial aid. It meant we’d pay the full sticker price to help our children graduate debt free.
We felt like we were being punished for working hard and doing well because we won’t get any help from the schools or the government and the cost of college has gotten so expensive.
Then I discovered the plan that the wealthy have been using to save and pay for college and get a six-figure tax-free refund. Once I realized thousands of parents use this plan every year I decided to try it for our family.
Now, along with helping our two children graduate debt free we’re also getting back $198,714 tax-free as well. For the past five years I’ve helped more than a thousand families do the same thing.
President & Founder
Parents College Planning Network